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Beaufort County Piano Lessons

Interested in learning to play the piano? Here is some of what we offer

Piano Lessons

Piano lessons are offered once per week in 4 different session lengths.

30 minutes: Thirty minute lessons are recommended for new students or younger children. It is also a good option if you wish to sign up multiple students.

45 minutes: Forty-five minute lessons are a good choice for the advancing student who is still young.

60 minutes: Sixty minute lessons are optimal for students who have made it to Level 4. They are also a suitable lessons length for the gifted student.

90 minutes: Ninety minute lessons are reserved only for intermediate-advanced students who have completed all levels of lesson books and are ready to gain a more complete mastery over the instrument.

Recital participation

Each year, all students who have completed the Primer level of lesson books become eligible to participate in biannual recitals. You’ll hear everything from lesson book pieces, to thematic music, medleys of popular songs, modern music, advanced classical selections, and even some of our students original compositions and arrangements.

Recitals are not only a great way for families to see the fruits of the students’ labor, they are also a wonderful way for students to grow comfortable in the spotlight. By pushing the boundaries of their comfort zones, the student learns to work under pressure, an essential life skill in today’s fast-paced world.

Piano Guild Membership

Every student is encouraged to become an active member in the piano guild. Each year, students travel with their instructor to a nearby guild center-usually found in metropolitan areas, where they perform as little as one or as many as twenty memorized pieces for a certified judge. The judge scores them on everything from accuracy and timing, to expression, dynamic control, tone, technical facility, and more.

Guild membership is appropriate for any student that is serious about learning the piano, and gives verifiable metrics that show where they stand as pianists. Students who exceed in the piano guild may even have a chance to be featured on the National Piano Guild Notes Magazine.

Beaufort County Piano Lessons was founded by Taylor Runyan, a long-time resident of Beaufort, in 2022. Taylor has a passion for the instrument and has been playing piano for over 30 years. After studying at Furman University, Taylor began teaching piano on the side. In 2022 he made the decision to go head-long into piano lessons, with the vision of turning B.C.P.L. into a centralized location for the best piano lessons in the Lowcountry. Taylor has grown his home studio from 0 students to over 40 in just 2 years, and is actively looking to acquire a larger facility to accommodate more students, as well and bring on more teachers committed to delivering the best possible learning experience for all students.


Beaufort County Piano Lessons